Pilot and Early Career Grant
Opens Mar 3 2025 08:00 AM (CST)
Deadline Apr 21 2025 05:00 PM (CDT)

The Pilot and Early Career Grant

The Orthotics and Prosthetics Foundation for Education and Research Foundation (The O&P Foundation) provides funding to support clinically relevant, investigator-initiated research in orthotics and prosthetics (O&P). 

The O&P Foundation’s Pilot and Early Career Grants are one-year awards in the amount of $30,000. These awards are intended to help investigators initiate lines of research that will be competitive for larger funding opportunities through funding agencies such as the National Institutes of Health (NIH), the Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute (PCORI), or the Department of Defense (DOD). 

The Early Career Grant is designed to support those investigators who are less than 10 years from their terminal degrees. 

Both grants are awarded annually, and awards are based on the scientific merit, clinical relevance of the proposed research project, and the extent to which the project aligns with the O&P Foundation’s Research Priorities.

Eligibility Requirements

  • The principal investigator (PI) must have attained a doctoral degree or have equivalent research experience.
  • For Early Career Grant eligibility, the PI must have completed their terminal degree <10 years prior to the application due date.
  • The proposed research must include a clinician trained in O&P as the PI or co-investigator.
  • The host institution must be a not-for-profit located within the United States (US).
  • The primary research site must be in the US.
  • The proposed research must be clinically relevant based on the O&P Foundation Clinical Relevance Criteria

For detailed application and submission information, please review the Pilot and Early Career Program Manual

Award Cycle Information

The following are key dates and deadlines for the O&P Foundation's Pilot and Early Career Grant Program.  

Application materials must be received by 5:00pm Central Time on the posted deadline. Applicants are responsible for ensuring all materials are received by the O&P Foundation by the dates listed below. 

Letter of Intent: opens 3/03/2025- due 03/21/2025 

Full Proposal: due 04/21/2025 5:00 pm CT (opens after the letter of intent is submitted)

Approximate Award Notification: 07/2025


If you have any questions about the Pilot or Early Career Research Grant, please email info@oandpfoundation.org or email the O&P Foundation Research Chair directly at research@oandpfoundation.org


Pilot and Early Career Grant

The Pilot and Early Career Grant

The Orthotics and Prosthetics Foundation for Education and Research Foundation (The O&P Foundation) provides funding to support clinically relevant, investigator-initiated research in orthotics and prosthetics (O&P). 

The O&P Foundation’s Pilot and Early Career Grants are one-year awards in the amount of $30,000. These awards are intended to help investigators initiate lines of research that will be competitive for larger funding opportunities through funding agencies such as the National Institutes of Health (NIH), the Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute (PCORI), or the Department of Defense (DOD). 

The Early Career Grant is designed to support those investigators who are less than 10 years from their terminal degrees. 

Both grants are awarded annually, and awards are based on the scientific merit, clinical relevance of the proposed research project, and the extent to which the project aligns with the O&P Foundation’s Research Priorities.

Eligibility Requirements

  • The principal investigator (PI) must have attained a doctoral degree or have equivalent research experience.
  • For Early Career Grant eligibility, the PI must have completed their terminal degree <10 years prior to the application due date.
  • The proposed research must include a clinician trained in O&P as the PI or co-investigator.
  • The host institution must be a not-for-profit located within the United States (US).
  • The primary research site must be in the US.
  • The proposed research must be clinically relevant based on the O&P Foundation Clinical Relevance Criteria

For detailed application and submission information, please review the Pilot and Early Career Program Manual

Award Cycle Information

The following are key dates and deadlines for the O&P Foundation's Pilot and Early Career Grant Program.  

Application materials must be received by 5:00pm Central Time on the posted deadline. Applicants are responsible for ensuring all materials are received by the O&P Foundation by the dates listed below. 

Letter of Intent: opens 3/03/2025- due 03/21/2025 

Full Proposal: due 04/21/2025 5:00 pm CT (opens after the letter of intent is submitted)

Approximate Award Notification: 07/2025


If you have any questions about the Pilot or Early Career Research Grant, please email info@oandpfoundation.org or email the O&P Foundation Research Chair directly at research@oandpfoundation.org



Mar 3 2025 08:00 AM (CST)
Apr 21 2025 05:00 PM (CDT)
